Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hairstyle for thick frizzy wavy/curly hair?

I was wondering if getting my hair layered would be a good style for my hair, if not what would be?

Hairstyle for thick frizzy wavy/curly hair?

It will make your hair more poofy.

Shampoo and conditon with Sunilk Anti Poof

Hairstyle for thick frizzy wavy/curly hair?

i have the same hair style. mine's layered. avoid bangs if possible, because they won't look good unless your hair is straightened.

Hairstyle for thick frizzy wavy/curly hair?

if u get ur hair japanesse straightened with layers, that would look really cute!!

Hairstyle for thick frizzy wavy/curly hair?

I have the exact same hair and it is long so I find that long layering works best for me without bangs. That way I can wear it up or pin it back when it's a bother or I am just doing things around the house. I leave it loose and natural when I am going out somewhere.

Hairstyle for thick frizzy wavy/curly hair?

yes layered with no bangs... i have the same hair, and i straighten mine a lot.. i just got layers yesterday, and it looks good.

Hairstyle for thick frizzy wavy/curly hair?

Do not get your hair layered. It will make it even bigger and frizzier. I too have frizzy, thick, curly hair. You should also keep your hair longer than shoulder length. Keep your hair moisturized. I personally use Herbal Essense CURL shampo and conditioner. Then when my hair is soaking wet put in John Freeda Collection serum. Go to sleep with your hair in a bun. Then put gel (scrunch it) and hairspray, both Herbal Essense when you wake up. I swear it has never looked better if you do this. If you have any other questions, e-mail me and I can help you!

Hairstyle for thick frizzy wavy/curly hair?

If you have thick curly hair, layers is the last thing you want because it will give it a stacked look there for making it look bigger and puffier. If you do get layers keep them long and on the bottom. As for the frizz you just need a good shampoo and conditioner like Redkens Fresh Curls and something to style it so it won't dry without anything to tame It. I like Redkens fresh curls mousse and curl booster spray. also Redkens ringlet and Bed heads curls rock- hair spray to hold it all in place. I have curly hair to and it use to be out of control. Good luck. Hope I helped some. Please add me to your contacts and email me w/ any hair questions you have via yahoo answers.

Hairstyle for thick frizzy wavy/curly hair?

im not a girl

Hairstyle for thick frizzy wavy/curly hair?

Layers made mine poof up more. I do have mine stacked now, though, and love it.

Hairstyle for thick frizzy wavy/curly hair?

I have like the same. But if you get short layers it will look really poofy if you don't straighten your hair. but if you get long layers and wear it curly or wavy or whatever it looks really cute. especially if you scrunch it with moose or gel

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