Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I have EXTREMELY thick light brown wavy middleeastern hair. How do I get my hair to be thin, straigh

Right now I have side swept bangs, natually light brown hair. I have a face framed cut and layered hair. I try to straighten it, but it luks sooo thick and over welming!

I want somthing pin straight and really thin! Is my hair too thick to luk like this ashley tisdal style

or how about these selena gomez pics or

I have EXTREMELY thick light brown wavy middleeastern hair. How do I get my hair to be thin, straight, silky?

I had the exact same promblem.Goto a salon and get it thinned out. Just say that and thepeople will know what to do. it costs the same as regular haircut. Then get a really god straightner and use hot

proctection so you wont get split ends. Good Luck =]

I have EXTREMELY thick light brown wavy middleeastern hair. How do I get my hair to be thin, straight, silky?

selina gomez looks hot u shud get hair like her

I have EXTREMELY thick light brown wavy middleeastern hair. How do I get my hair to be thin, straight, silky?

you can get it straightened... look into Japaneses hair straighting perm.

I have EXTREMELY thick light brown wavy middleeastern hair. How do I get my hair to be thin, straight, silky?

My hair was EXACTLY like yours. I went to Leoni's Hair Salon and they layered my hair sooo well, and used thinning scissors to get rid of the thickness. When I came back to school, two of the hottest boys in my class told me i should do my hair like that more often - lol. trust me, u'll feel GREAT after.

all the best,

good luck

I have EXTREMELY thick light brown wavy middleeastern hair. How do I get my hair to be thin, straight, silky?

omg!!! i have really thick light brown hair!! lol


do the selena gomes thing.

or you could always get layers

i have EXTREMELY thick har, + its long lol

and im 11 soooo

do the selna gomez thing

I have EXTREMELY thick light brown wavy middleeastern hair. How do I get my hair to be thin, straight, silky?

I have (had) thin, straight, silky hair. Now i am 76, and wish I had half the hair I had at 20.

Be thankful for your thick hair.

I have EXTREMELY thick light brown wavy middleeastern hair. How do I get my hair to be thin, straight, silky?

to thin it out, you can get a special cut where the stylist cuts thins out your hair from the inside layers

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